Is EMAN ABBAS a hopeless case?

The first time I realised I could possibly be a phone addict was when my mobile ‘disappeared’ at a wedding party. I woke up the next morning and spent minutes looking for it like a mad woman before I realised what had happened the night before. I got a new phone and a new SIM card the same day (I now keep a purse full of spare SIM cards, just in case…) and I have tried every network in the UK.

This obsession with my phone increased more and more, until I realised I had to do something about it. So I decided to put myself to the test. How would I cope without my phone for 24/1? This is what happened…

07.36 Wake up. Reach for phone. Remember I’m on trial, so turn off. Bye phone, (mwah), I’ll miss you!
07.58 Mobile still switched off. Get ready for college.
08.43 Leave house. Take phone with me. Well, what if an emergency happens? Like I fall down a well…or… something?
09.00 Lessons start, phone still in bag. No withdrawal symptoms so far. You try using a mobile during lessons with our tutors, anyway!
17.00 Finish classes. Take mobile out to call for my pick up. Whoops! Guess I’ll just walk it today, in conformity with New Year’s Resolution Number 12 : ‘Get fit and start walking more.’
19.30 Working at home. Suddenly, phone rings! I’m sure it’s mine. I am the only one in the house with that ring tone! Check phone. Nothing! Blank! Am going bonkers?
19.35 There it goes again! No, I need to go out and get some fresh air. Use house line to call friends to set something up on justification that land lines as different from mobiles as bananas from rabbits, when you think reasonably deeply about it.
20.30 Arrive rendezvous. I’m the earliest, so sit and wait. Can’t call or txt them to hry up. Realise I rely on my phone for a lot of petty things. Decide on New Year’s Resolution Number 07990353535: ‘Don’t use phone to hassle people.’
20.42 Girls show up. Place mobiles on table. About to reach for mine. Stop myself just in time – realise I’ll grab it when a mobile rings, thus proving I rely on phone too much. Will look a prat. One girls hints it’s her birthday. Oh no! Totally forgot! My phone always reminds me about birthdays! Sorry! (Mwahs).
22.47 Use friend’s phone to call home for lift. What? I’m not cheating! I said: “…a day without MY phone”. Also realise life without mobile has plus points, e.g. parents can’t harass me about where I am and when I’m coming back!
00.05 Get home. Force myself to sleep, because if I stay awake then will want to use my phone. Not long left. Tomorrow, everything back to normal! Put phone on charge, so it’s ready for action! Can’t wait…zzz….
Next day, 07.42 My phone has been off six minutes longer then it should. Oh, the horror! I quickly turn it on: there are 9 text messages and 26 missed calls. I’m kind of disappointed. I would have thought there’d be more.

Conclusion: A good experience, but I wouldn’t do it again unless someone paid me enough to change my mind! My phone is my life support machine and I would probably give up chocolate before I ever give up my phone – but maybe I’m not that much of an addict…








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